Theses related to the MEG Collaboration
“Optimization of the High-Intensity Muon Beamlines for MEG II, Mu3e and HIMB”
Giovanni DAL MASO, February 2024, Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zurich
[PDF 85MB]
“Search for μ → eγ with the first year data of the MEG II experiment”
Atsushi OYA, December 2023, The University of Tokyo
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“Search for μ+ → e+γ in the MEG II Experiment's First Physics Dataset and Analysis of the MEG II Drift Chamber Data”
Dylan PALO, November 2023, University of California, Irvine
[PDF 66MB]
“Full Commissioning of Liquid Xenon Scintillation Detector to Search for μ+ → e+γ with the Highest Sensitivity in MEG II Experiment”
Satoru KOBAYASHI, December 2022, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 24MB]
“Search for the X(17) particle in the 7Li(p, e+e-)8Be reaction with the MEG II detector”
Manuel MEUCCI, March 2022, Sapienza University of Rome
[PDF 160MB]
“Suppresion of γ-ray backgrounds for the highest sensitivity of μ+ → e+γ search in MEG II experiment”
Rina ONDA, December 2021, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 52.7MB]
“Innovative positron spectrometer for μ+ → e+γ search beyond 10-13 sensitivity with most intense μ+ beam”
Masashi USAMI, May 2021, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 29.1MB]
“Liquid xenon detector with highly granular scintillation readout to search for μ+ → e+γ with sensitivity of 5 × 10-14 in MEG II experiment”
Shinji OGAWA, October 2020, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 27MB]
[Slide 36MB]
“Search for lepton flavor violating muon decay mediated by a new light particle in the MEG experiment”
Mitsutaka NAKAO, January 2020, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 35MB]
“The construction and commissioning of the ultra low mass MEG II drift chamber for the search of the μ+ → e+γ decay at branching ratios below 10-13”
Marco CHIAPPINI, December 2019, University of Siena and INFN Pisa
[PDF 251MB]
“Positron Timing Mesurement to Search for Lepton Flavor Violating Decay in MEG II”
Miki NISHIMURA, May 2018, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 46MB]
“CMBL - A High-intensity Muon Beam Line & Scintillation Target with Monitoring System for Next-generation Charged Lepton Flavour Violation Experiments”
Felix BERG, November 2017, Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zurich
[PDF 84MB]
“The tracking detector of the MEG II experiment”
Gianluigi CHIARELLO, July 2017, University of Salento
“In Search Of Charged Lepton Flavor Violating Decays at PSI”
Giada RUTAR, February 2017, Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zurich
[PDF 21MB]
“Improving the search for the μ → eγ decay: the final MEG result and the new tracker for its upgrade”
Marco VENTURINI, January 2017, Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN Pisa
“The final result of μ+ → e+γ search with the MEG experiment”
Daisuke KANEKO, July 2016, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 17MB]
“An active target for the MEG experiment”
Emanuele RIPICCINI, January 2015, University of Roma "La Sapienza"
“Search for lepton flavor violations with the MEG experiment and its upgrade”
Francesco TENCHINI, January 2014, University of Pisa
[PDF 71MB]
“Search for the Lepton Flavor Violating Muon Decay μ+ → e+γ with a Sensitivity below 10-12 in the MEG Experiment”
Yuki FUJII, December 2013, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 46MB]
“Search for the Lepton Flavor Violating Decay μ+ → e+γ With A Sensitivity of 10-12”
Xue BAI, December 2012, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 29MB]
“Search for a Lepton Flavor Violating Muon Decay Mediated by a New Light Neutral Particle with the MEG Detector”
Hiroaki NATORI, July 2012, The University of Tokyo
“New Analysis Method to Confirm the Upper Limit of the Branching Ratio B(μ+ → e++γ) from the MEG Experiment”
Jeanine ADAM, July 2012, ETH Zurich
[PDF 11MB]
“In Pursuit of the Rare Decay μ+ → e+γ: A Window to the UV Completion of the Standard Model”
Ben GOLDEN, January 2012, University of California, Irvine
[PDF 13MB]
“Experimental Issues of the Search for μ → e + γ decay in the MEG experiment at Paul Scherrer Institut”
Giovanni GALLUCCI, April 2011, University of Pisa
“Searching for the muon decay μ+ → e+γ: the problem of the high resolution measurement of the positron timing”
Matteo DE GERONE, March 2011, University of Genova
[PDF 20MB]
“A Search for the Decay μ+ → e+γ Using a High-Resolution Liquid Xenon Gamma-Ray Detector”
Yasuhiro NISHIMURA, December 2010, The University of Tokyo
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“A real time glance at the Lepton Flavor Decay muon to positron and gamma in the MEG experiment”
Luca GALLI, December 2010, Pisa University
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“Measurement of the Radiative Muon Decay Branching Fraction in the MEG Experiment”
Feng XIAO, September 2010, University of California, Irvine
[PDF 13MB]
“Analysis of the First MEG Physics Data to Search for the Decay μ+ → e+γ”
Yusuke UCHIYAMA, December 2009, The University of Tokyo
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“Search for the Lepton Flavour Violation in μ→eγ. The calibration methods for the MEG experiment.”
Angela PAPA, June 2009, University of Pisa
[PDF 33MB]
“A Liquid Xenon Scintillation Detector to Search for the Lepton Flavor Violating Muon Decay with a Sensitivity of 10-13”
Ryu SAWADA, November 2008, The University of Tokyo
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“The drift chambers of the MEG experiment”
Matthias SCHNEEBELI, 2008, ETH Zurich
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“An Innovative Positron Spectrometer to Search for the Lepton Flavour Violating Muon Decay with a Sensitivity of 10-13”
Hajime NISHIGUCHI, March 2008, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 37MB]
“MEG, search for the μ+ → e++γ decay. A study of the Timing Counter Detector.”
Alessandro BARCHIESI, February 2008, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
[PDF 23MB]
“Development of the Timing Counter for the MEG experiment”
Riccardo VALLE, May 2006, University of Genova
“In search for the Lepton Flavour Violation: the MEG experiment”
Simeone DUSSONI, May 2006, University of Genova
“Track finding for positrons in the MEG experiment”
Claudio CHIRI, July 2006, University of Lecce
“Liquid Xenon Scintillation Detector for the New μ→eγ Search Experiment”
Kenji OZONE, March 2005, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 25MB]
“A sensitive search for lepton flavor violation: the MEG experiment
and the new liquid xenon calorimetry”
Giovanni SIGNORELLI, February 2005, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
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Master's Theses
“Development and performance of the electrode of the Radiative Decay Counter in the MEG II experiment”
Hiromu SUZUKI, February 2025, Kobe University
[PDF 14MB]
“Study on the Radiation Damage of the VUV-MPPC in the MEG II Liquid Xenon Detector”
Ryusei UMAKOSHI, January 2025, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 21MB]
“Characterization of the drift chamber's gas mixture in MEG II experiment”
Elisa GABBRIELLI, January 2025, Sapienza University of Rome
[PDF 37MB]
“Development of Photon Pair Spectrometer for Next Generation μ+ → e+γ Search Experiment”
Rintaro YOKOTA, January 2024, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 17MB]
“Development of DLC-RPC for background suppression in MEG II experiment”
Masato TAKAHASHI, February 2023, Kobe University
[PDF (in Japanese) 63MB]
“Calibration and Timing Resolution Evaluation of Liquid Xenon Gamma Ray Detector in MEG II experiment”
Ayaka MATSUSHITA, January 2023, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 11MB]
“Development of Photon Pair Spectrometer with Active Converter for Future μ+→e+γ Search Experiment”
Fumihito IKEDA, January 2023, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 1.9MB]
“Development of ultra-low mass and high-rate capable resistive plate chamber for background reduction in the MEG II experiment”
Kensuke YAMAMOTO, January 2022, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 15MB]
“Research on photon detection efficiency of VUV-MPPC in MEG II liquid xenon detector and on stable operation of the detector”
Keisuke YOSHIDA, January 2022, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 27MB]
“Position Calibration of Multi-pixelated Positron Timing Counter in MEG II experiment”
Taku YONEMOTO, January 2021, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 18MB]
“Research on photon detection efficiency of VUV-MPPC in MEG II liquid xenon detector”
Kohei SHIMADA, January 2021, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 3.7MB]
“Beam diagnostic and calibration tools for the MEGII experiment”
Giovanni DAL MASO, 2020, University of Pisa
[PDF 19MB]
“Research on Long-term Operation and Analysis Method of Positron Timing Counter in MEG II Experiment”
Kosuke YANAI, January 2020, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 40MB]
“Development of ultra-low material RPC detector for further sensitivity improvement of MEG II experiment”
Atsushi OYA, January 2020, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 6MB]
“Research and Development on Calibration of MEG II Gamma Ray Detector”
Kazuki TOYODA, January 2020, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 15MB]
“Research and Development on Time Calibration and Background Reduction for γ-ray Detection in MEG II Experiment”
Rina ONDA, January 2019, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 39MB]
“Research on precise gamma-ray position measurement with MEG II liquid xenon detector”
Satoru KOBAYASHI, January 2019, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 65MB]
“Calibration of the MEGII drift chamber”
Anastasio FRANTANGELO, December 2018, Sapienza University of Rome
[PDF 7.5MB]
“Research on radiation tolerance and long-term stable operation of MEG II positron timing counter”
Masashi USAMI, January 2018, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 28MB]
“Performance evaluation of photo-sensors in MEG Ⅱ liquid xenon gamma-ray detector and verification of detector stability”
Nobuo MATSUZAWA, January 2018, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 22MB]
“MEG II positron timing counter - construction, calibration, and performance evaluation by using high intensity muon beam”
Mitsutaka NAKAO, January 2017, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 20MB]
“Development and commissioning of MEG II Radiative Decay Counter”
Ryoto IWAI, January 2017, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 22MB]
“The new drift chamber of the MEG-II experiment, in search for lepton flavor violations”
Marco CHIAPPINI, July 2016, University of Pisa
“Development of liquid xenon gamma-ray detector for MEG II experiment with highly granular readout realized by VUV sensitive large area MPPC”
Shinji OGAWA, January 2016, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 14MB]
“Development of Radiative Decay Counter for ultimate sensitivity of MEG II experiment”
Shota NAKAURA, January 2016, The University of Tokyo
[PDF 64MB]
“Development of Time Calibration Method and In-Beam Performance Test of Positron Timing Counter for the MEG II Experiment”
Kohei YOSHIDA, January 2016, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 34MB]
“Research and Development of Positron Timing Counter with a 30 psec Resolution for the Upgraded MEG Experiment”
Miki NISHIMURA, January 2014, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 14MB]
“Studio delle prestazioni della nuova camera a deriva dell'esperimento MEG”
Tiziano ROVAI, July 2013, University of Pisa
[PDF (in italian) 12.5MB]
“Ageing and performance studies of drift chamber prototypes for the MEG experiment upgrade”
Marco VENTURINI, July 2013, University of Pisa
[PDF 51MB]
“A calibration improvement of the gamma ray detector in the MEG experiment”
Teppei CHIBA, January 2012, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 12.5MB]
“Ricerca del Majorone nei decadimenti del muone con l'esperimento MEG”
Emanuele RIPICCINI, July 2011, "Sapienza" University of Rome
[PDF (in italian) 5.8MB]
“Misura del tempo di volo del positrone nell'esperimento MEG”
Erica CHIAVERINI, January 2011, "Sapienza" University of Rome
[PDF (in italian) 9.4MB]
“A Study to Search for the Decay μ+ → e+e+e- Using the COBRA Spectrometer in the MEG experiment”
Yuki FUJII, January 2011, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 13 MB]
“Studio delle sistematiche del calorimetro elettromagnetico dell'esperimento MEG per l'ottimizzazione della ricerca del decadimento
μ+ → e+γ”
Alessio PORCELLI, October 2010, University of Pisa
[PDF (in italian) 12MB]
“Calibrazioni e monitoraggio dell'esperimento MEG”
Francesco TENCHINI, October 2010, University of Pisa
[PDF (in italian) 28MB]
“Calibration of Photomultipliers of the MEG LXe Detector”
Bai XUE, January 2009, The University of Tokyo
“Geometrical Alignment of the Drift Chamber System and Target of the MEG Experiment”
Jeanine ADAM, August 2008, ETH Zurich
[PDF 10MB]
“Metodi di calibrazione e ricostruzione degli eventi nell'esperimento MEG”
Luca PERROZZI, May 2008, University of Pisa
[PDF (in Italian) 22MB]
“Sviluppo del rivelatore a fibre scintillanti per l'esperimento MEG”
Matteo DE GERONE, October 2007, University of Genova
[PDF (in Italian) 22MB]
“The performance evaluation of the gamma ray detector using NaI and APD for calibration in the rare muon decay experiment”
Yasuhiro NISHIMURA, January 2007, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 28MB]
“The trigger system of the MEG experiment”
Luca GALLI, October 2006, University of Pisa
[PDF (in Italian) 12.6MB]
“Studio della prestazione del calorimetro elettromagnetico dell'esperimento MEG”
Giovanni GALLUCCI, October 2006, University of Pisa
“Waveform Analysis of Liquid Xenon Calorimeter for the MEG experiment”
Yusuke UCHIYAMA, January 2006, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 7MB]
“Development of Photomultiplier for MEG experiment and A Reserch using Cosmic rays”
Hiroaki NATORI, January 2006, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 5MB]
“The Performance Test of Photomultiplier for MEG Liquid Xenon Calorimeter”
Yasuko HISAMATSU, January 2005, The University of Tokyo
“The MEG experiment at PSI”
Angela PAPA, April 2004, University of Pisa
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“Performance Evaluation of Liquid Xenon gamma-ray detector for MEG Experiment with Low Energy Electron Beam”
Toshiya MITSUHASHI, January 2003, The University of Tokyo
[PDF (in Japanese) 15MB]
“Attenuation Length Measurement of Scintillation Light in Liquid Xenon with Cosmic-rays”
Ryu SAWADA, January 2002, Waseda University
[PDF (in Japanese) 4MB]
“Research and Development of Drift Chamber for μ+→e+γ Decay Search Experiment”
Hajime NISHIGUCHI, January 2001, The University of Tokyo
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“Timing Resolution of Liquid Xenon Gamma-ray Detector for μ→eγ Decay Search Experiment”
Kenji OZONE, January 2000, The University of Tokyo
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“Calibration of Liquid Xenon Gamma-ray Detector for μ→eγ Decay Search Experiment”
Go TEJIMA, January 2000, The University of Tokyo
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“Timing Resolution Measurement of Prototype Timing Counter for μ→eγ Search Experiment”
Kouichi YAHAGI, January 2000, The University of Tokyo
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“Development of Liquid Xenon Calorimeter for μ→eγ Experiment”
Toshiyuki MIYAZAWA, January 1999, The University of Tokyo
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K. Yamamoto, 19th March 2025