MEG LP Computing and Software
Online | cvs -e ssh -d checkout tbonl | (Release Notes) |
ROME Analyzer | cvs -e ssh -d checkout lpframework | (Release Notes) |
MC Simulation(tbeam) | cvs -e ssh -d checkout meg | (Release Notes) |
megonln01 | : Trigger Frontend, ODB server, Logger | : Linux |
megonln02 | : Analyzer, ROOT server | : Linux |
megsc01 | : SCFE, Labview | : Windows |
There are three computers for online (for DAQ, Histograming and Slow Control). ODB on megonln01 is published by mserver, and these computers share ODB. megonln01 has VME and CAMAC interfaces to take data and large storage to store data. Logger send copy of the data to PSI storage server periodically.
megonln02 makes histograms for online monitor simultaneously with DAQ. Histograms are accessible from any computer using ROOT TSocket connection.
megsc01 controls slow devices (HV, valves, heaters, refrigerator etc.). It gives also human interfaces for run and slow control with Labview, HV edit, web browser and terminal emulator.
Software which is used on these computers is managed with CVS. The project tbonl includes source code of frontend, analyzer, scfe, macros for online monitor and virtual instruments for slow control.
ROME is a experiment independent framework for data analysis.
If you want to learn about ROME, please see ROME
homepage. lpframework is a project for the large
prototype which works both online and offline.
Data flow is described in the left figure. In the public part,
data has a simple order based on physical connection at ADC,TDC
and scaler. After the public part, there are several
sub-detector parts (at this moment there are Xenon and Utility
part). Sub-detector tasks can use proccessed data in the public
part. ADCCalib subtracts ADC pedestal and converts raw ADC
data to charge[Q], and TDCCalib converts raw TDC data to
nphe,npho and ttdc have the same order based on the geometry. They are arranged in the order of address num.
If you have good ideas of analysis/reconstruction, please implement your functions into lpframework.
MySQL database test server is running on It is
accessible from computers inside PSI with following accounts.
Database consists of run information (runinfo) and channel information (assignment). These parts are connected with configuration table.