- Meeting minutes
- Plan for the design work(in Japanese)
- Cryostat Design Summary [WORD]
- Height of the photon detector[WORD]
- Size of the inner face window[WORD]
- Design of the PMT holder[WORD] (Updated on 7/Mar/05)
- Previous version of this document[WORD], rev 1 [WORD]
- PMT fixing parts [WORD](Updated on 17/Nov/05)
- Previous version of this document[WORD]
- Inspection result of PMT supporting structures [WORD]
- This document contains also information about PMT fixing parts.
- Drawings
- Construction Schedule provided by the manufacturer (uploaded on 23/June/2005, updated on 21/Sep/2005)
- Finite Element Analysis
- Important parameters
- Strength Calculation for the walls. Summary and calculation for each
wall are shown in separate sheets.[Excel]
- Strength Calculation for the G10 support at the bottom and braces (shown in separate sheets).
- Weight Calculation of the detector [Excel]
- Heat load Calculation. [Excel]
See also T.Haruyama's talk in July 2002 review.
- Fabrizio Raffaelli's talk ppt in Oct. 2011
- Honeycomb
- Metal Gasget for the inner vessel flanges from

- Cryosystem Design
- Flow Sheet of the system [dwg]
- Pipe dimension for xenon and nitrogen transfer [Excel]
- Vacuum Equipment
- Vacuum pump system
for evacuating the inner vessel. 400 liter ceramic bearing turbo pump.
for evacuating the outer vessel. 210 liter turbo pump.
- Valves
- Sensors/Gauge/Controller
- List of sensors planed to be used [Excel]
- BINP liquid level meter for cold liquid [ppt][photo]
- Xenon flow meter/controller
- Tank specification and examination report, tank1-2[pdf],
and tank10[pdf]
- Strorage at PiE5 area [photo]
- Hamamatsu R6041Q/R9288(in Japanese)
- PMT test at PSI [photo]
- Supporting structure [photo]
- Feedthrough Connectors [photo]