MEG Documents
Proposal and related
- Preprint on the MEG II first result (Oct 2023)
- Preprint on the MEG II detector (Oct 2023)
- Preprint on the design of the MEG II experiment (Jan 2018)
- Preprint on the final results of the MEG experiment (May 2016)
- Preprint on the analysis of 2009—2011 data (Mar 2013)
- Preprint on the analysis of 2009 & 2010 data (Jul 2011)
- Preprint on the analysis of first MEG data (Aug 2009)
List of publications.
Progress Reports
- January 2000, [plain
postscript, gzipped
- June 2000, [plain postscript,
gzipped postscript]
- January 2001, [plain
postscript, gzipped
postscript, PDF format]
- January 2002, [WORD, plain postscript, gzipped postscript, PDF format]
- July 2002, [plain postscript,
gzipped postscript, PDF format]
- Januar 2003, [plain
postscript, gzipped
postscript, PDF format]
Our current sensitivity estimation reachable by the experiment.
- 2001, Muegamma Prototype Timing Counter Tests
- 2001, The MSCB bus [postscript,
- 2002, Beam Line Studies for the MEG Experiment [PDF format]
- 2002, Liquid Xenon Purification Studies for the MEG Photon
Calorimeter [PDF format]
- 2003, The MEG Experiment [PDF
- 2003, Recent Developments of the MEG Liquid Xenon Photon Detector
[PDF format]
- 2003, Beam Line Development for the MEG Experiment [PDF format]
- 2003, Development of the COBRA Magnet for the MEG Experiment [PDF format]
- 2003, Test Measurements for the MEG Drift Chambers [PDF format]
Talks from JPS Meeting (in Japanese)
Seminar and Conference Talks
- F. Cei
- "The MEG experiment at PSI: a sensitive search for mu -> e
gamma decay"
IFAE 2003, Lecce (Italy) 23-26 April 2003, PowerPoint.
- "Lepton Flavour Violation: present and future experiments"
HIF 2005, La Biodola (Isola d'Elba) (Italy) May 28 - June 1, 2005
(published on Nucl. Phys. B154 (2006) 62-79), PowerPoint.
- "The Liquid Xenon Calorimeter of the MEG experiment"
IFAE 2006, Pavia (Italy) 19-21 April 2003, PowerPoint.
- "Present Status of the MEG Experiment"
Neutrino 2006 Conference, Santa Fe' (New Mexico) 13-21 June 2006 (poster presentation), PowerPoint.
- "The MEG Experiment at PSI"
NOW 2008 Conference, Conca Specchiulla (LE) (Italy) 7-13 September 2008, PowerPoint.
- "First results of the MEG Experiment at PSI"
Seminar in Perugia 11 November 2009, PowerPoint.
- "Lepton Flavour Violation Experiments in the LHC Era"
Pascos 2010, Valencia (Spain) 19-23 July, 2010,
published in 2010 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 259, 012010 and available
at Slides:
PowerPoint and
- L. Galli
- "An FPGA-based trigger for the MEG Experiment"
2008 Nuclear Science Symposium, 19-25 October 2008 Dresden, Germany
PowerPoint and
- "An FPGA-based trigger for the MEG Experiment"
2009 Nuclear Science Symposium, 24-31 October 2009 Orlando, USA
Talk(PDF) and
- M. Grassi
- "A sensitive search for the mu -> e gamma decay: the MEG
Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste, La Thuile 9-15 March
2003, PowerPoint.
- T. Iwamoto
"The MEG Detector to Search for mu -> e gamma Decays"
ICHEP'04, Aug. 2004, Beijing, China.
PowerPoint and
"Liquid Xenon Scintillation Detector for the MEG Experiment"
IEEE2004, Oct. 2004, Rome, Italy.
PowerPoint and
"Liquid Xenon Detector for the MEG Experiment"
IPRD06, Oct. 2006, Siena, Italy.
"MEG Status and Prospects"
KEKTC6, Feb. 2007. KEK, Tsukuba, Japan.
- P.-R. Kettle
- "Search for the Lepton-Flavour Violating Decay mu -> e
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society SPS, 2nd-3rd May 2001,
Duebendorf, Switzerland. html and PowerPoint.
- "Search for the Lepton-Flavour Violating Decay mu -> e
International workshop on Heavy Quarks and Leptons, May 27th - June
1st, 2002, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, slides in PowerPoint and
proceedings in Postscript.
- "Overview of the MEG Experiment- Search for the Lepton-Flavour Violating Decay mu -> e
ECFA Visit PSI, 16th May 2003, PSI Switzerland
PowerPoint and
- T. Mashimo
- "Search for μ+→e+γ down to 10-14 branching ratio",
VIII. International Oberjoch Meeting on Broken Symmetries and
Meson-nuclear Physics, Sep. 2000, Oberjoch, Germany.
- S. Mihara
- Neutrino Oscillations and their origin, Feb. 2000, Fuji
Yoshida, slides html
and proc Postscript.
- IEEE2000, Oct. 2000, Lyon, slides in html and proceedings
in PDF
- NuFACT01, May 2001, Tsukuba, slides in html and PowerPoint.
- Open Users Meeting BV33, Jan 2002, PSI, slides in html and PowerPoint.
- Seminar, Kamioka Observatry, Jan 2003, Kamioka, Japan, PowerPoint
- 9th Pisa meeting on advanced detectors, May 2003, Isola
d'Elba, Italy, PowerPoint
- Seminar at Zuerich University, Nov 2 2005,
- CHIPP workshop on neutrino physics at Bern Univ., Oct 20 2006,
- T. Mori
"Rare Muon Decays and EDM (MEG-related slides)"
- W. Ootani
- The 3rd Workshop on "Neutrino Oscillations and their
Origin"(NOON2001), Dec. 2001, Kashiwa, Japan,
html, PowerPoint and PDF.
- Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications 2002,
May 21-23, 2002, USA, html, PowerPoint and PDF.
- International Workshop on Nuclear and Particle Physics at
50-GeV PS, Sep 27-29, 2002, Kyoto, Japan, PowerPoint and PDF.
- XXII International Symposium on Lepton and Photon
Interactions at High Energies, Aug. 11-16, 2003, Batavia,
Illinois, USA, PDF
- 18th International Conference on Magnet Technology, Oct.
20-24, 2003, Morioka, Japan, PDF
- Applications of Rare Gas Xenon to Science And Technology,
8-10 March, 2005, Tokyo, Japan, PDF
- IEEE NSS/MIC 2006, Oct.29-Nov.4, 2006, San Diego, California, USA, PDF
- Supersymmetry in 2010's, June 20-22, 2007, Sapporo, Japan, PDF
- 3rd CHIPP Swiss neutrino workshop, Nov. 17-18, 2008, Zurich, Switzerland, PDF
- K. Ozone
- "Liquid Xe detector for μ+→e+γ search",
International Workshop on "Technique and Application of Xenon
Detectors" (Xenon01), Dec. 2001, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan,
slides in html,
and PowerPoint,
proceedings in PDF.
- "μ→eγ decay search with a liquid Xe scintillation
Symposium "LXe detectors and their new applications" in Japan Physics
Society meeting, Mar. 2003, Univ. of Tohoku-Gakuin, Sendai, Japan,
slides in PowerPoint
and PDF.
- S. Ritt
- NOON2000 Workshop, Dec. 2000, Tokyo, PowerPoint.
Proceedings as MS
Word document and PDF.
- LTP Seminar, PSI, 20. Feb. 2002, PowerPoint.
- INSTR02 Conference, March 2002, Novosibirsk, PowerPoint.
- Seminar, JINR, 11. March 2002, Dubna, Russia, PowerPoint.
- Seminar, TRIUMF, 9. May 2002, Vancouver, Canada, PowerPoint.
- Seminar, DESY, 21. Jan 2003, Hamburg, Germany, PowerPoint.
- Seminar, LAL, 17. Mar 2003, Orsay, France, PowerPoint.
- IEEE/NSS Conference, Rome, Oct 2004, PowerPoint.
- PHIPSI06 Conference, March 2006, Novosibirsk, PowerPoint.
- IEEE RT07 Conference, May 2007, Batavia, Illinois, PowerPoint,
- Seminar, Heidelberg, 26. June 2007, Heidelberg, Germany, PowerPoint
- Seminar, Fermilab, 26. Feb. 2008, Batavia, Illinois, PowerPoint
- G. Signorelli
- "The MUEGAMMA experiment at PSI, status and progress"
NUFACT02, London 1-6 July 2002, PowerPoint.
- "The liquid Xe scintillation calorimeter of the MEG experiment"
CALOR2004, Perugia 28 March-2 Apr 2004
- "Transparency of a 100l liquid xenon scintillation
calorimeter prototype and measurement of its energy resolution
for 55 MeV photons"
IEEE/ICDL 2005, Coimbra, 26 June-2 July 2005
- "The MEG experiment at PSI"
PANIC05, Particles and Nuclei International Conference, Santa Fe (NM)
October 24-28, 2005
- "The LXe calorimeter of the MEG experiment, or a view from an anomalous acceleraor experiment"
CryoDET, Wotkshop on Cryogenic Liquid Detectors for Future Particle Physics,
Gran Sasso Laboratory,
March 13-14, 2006
- "The MEG experiment at PSI: search for the mu to e gamma decay"
New Trends in High Energy Physics, Yalta (Ukraine) September 16-23, 2006.
- "Status of MEG: an experiment to search for the mu to e gamma decay"
Invited talk at the Symposium on Muon Physics during the Workshop "Low Energy Precision Electroweak Physics in the LHC Era", INT-UW Seattle,
27-30 Oct. 2008
PDF (low resolution; ask Giovanni for full resolution or keynote file).
- "The MEG experiment at PSI: status and prospects"
PANIC2008, Eilat (Israel) November 11-16 2008.
- "Status of MEG: an experiment to search for the mu -> e gamma decay at PSI "
Invited talk at the Reunions pleniere du GDR neutrino - session 2009, Paris (France) 28-29 April 2009
- "The mu->e gamma decay as a sensitive probe of physics beyond the SM:
first results from MEG. "
Invited seminar at the Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 3 December 2009
- "Search of Lepton Flavour Violation with the mu -> e gamma decay:
first results from the MEG experiment. "
BEYOND2010, Cape Town (South Africa) February 1-6 2010
- "Recent results from the MEG experiment. "
Invited seminar at LPNHE, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 10 March 2011
- "Recent and future MEG results (and LFV implications) in the SuperB era. "
Invited seminar at the XVII SuperB Workshop and Kick-off meeting, La Biodola, Italy, June 2011
- "Experimental cLFV search and last results of the MEG experiment. "
Invited talk at the BLV2011 workshop, Gatlinburg, Tennessee (USA) September 20-24 2011
- "Charged Lepton Flavor Violation Experiments "
Invited talk at the FPCP conference, Buzios, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) May 19-24 2013
- S. Yamada
"Decay Angular Measurement in the MEG Experiment",
SUSY2004, Jun. 2004, Tsukuba, Japan,
"Search for the Lepton Flavor Violating Decay μ→eγ in the MEG Experiment",
The 8th International Workshop on Tau-Lepton Physics, Tau04, 14-17 Sep. 2004, Nara, Japan,
- J. Yashima
- "μ→eγ experimet at PSI", New
Initiatives in Lepton Flavor Violation and Neutrino Oscillations with
Very Intense Muon and Neutrino Sources, Oct. 2000, Hawaii.
slides in Postscript.
Talks from Review Meetings
- July 15th/16th, 2002
- T. Mori, "Goals of the experiment" [PDF]
- A. Baldini, "Status in Italy" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- P. Kettle, "Beam line" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- W. Ootani, "COBRA magnet" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- J. Egger, "Drift chambers" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- A. Baldini, "Timing counters" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- S. Mihara, "Photon detector" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- T. Haruyama, "Photon detector cryogenics" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- G. Signorelli, "Simulation of the final photon detector" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- M. Grassi, "Trigger" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- S. Ritt, "Slow control and DAQ" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- T. Mori, "Summary talk" [PDF]
- Feb. 3rd, 2003
- P.-R. Kettle, "Beam tests" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- S. Mihara, "LXe part A" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- G. Signorelli, "LXe part B" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- W. Ootani, "COBRA magnet" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- M. Hildebrandt, "Drift chamber" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- G. Cecchet, "Timing counter" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- M. Grassi, "Trigger" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- S. Ritt, "Computing" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- S. Ritt, "Schedule" [PowerPoint, PDF]
- July 11th, 2003
- Feb. 11th, 2004
- July 1st, 2004
- A. Baldini, Introduction
- F. Cei, Neutron Background Measurements
- S. Mihara, Xenon Detector Status
- J. Egger, Drift Chamber
- F. Gatti, Timing Counter Status
- P.R. Kettle, Beam Line Status
- W. Ootani, COBRA Magnet Status
- S. Ritt, Status of the electronics systems
- S. Yamada, Software Status
- C. Gatoo, Offline Software
- S. Ritt, Schedules
- Feb. 9th, 2005
- T. Mori, Introduction
- A. Baldini, LXe Calibration, PMT Tests, Cryostat Construction
- S. Mihara, LXe beam Test Results
- P.R. Kettle, Beam Line Status
- W. Ootani, COBRA Magnet Status
- J. Egger, Drift Chamber
- F. Gatti, Timing Counter Status
- S. Ritt, Status of the Electronics Systems
- C. Gatto, Software Status
- S. Ritt, Schedules
- July 19th, 2005
- A. Baldini, Introduction
- P.R. Kettle, Beam Line Status
- W. Ootani, COBRA Magnet Status
- S. Mihara, LXe detector status report
- C. Bemporad, LXe calorimeter calibration
- J. Egger, Drift Chamber
- F. Gatti, Timing Counter Status
- M. Grassi, Status of the Electronics Systems
- F. Cei, Software Status
- S. Ritt, Schedules
- A. Baldini et al., Technical Note #27
- Feb. 15th, 2006
- June 27th, 2006
- Feb. 14th, 2007
- T. Mori, Short Summary
- M. Hildebrandt, Run2006 summary
- P.R. Kettle, Beamline Status
- P.R. Kettle, Cockcroft-Walton Status
- W. Ootani, COBRA Magnet Status
- S. Mihara, LXe detector status report
- J. Egger, Drift Chamber
- M. Schneebeli, Drift Chamber Analysis
- P. Cattaneo, Timing Counter Status
- P. Cattaneo, TC Results from Frascati beam time
- P. Cattaneo, TC Results from PSI beam time
- S. Ritt, Status of the Electronics Systems
- F. Cei, Software Status
- A. Baldini, Summary talk
- July 18th, 2007
- Feb. 20th, 2008
- Feb. 18th, 2009
- Feb. 17th, 2010
- A. Baldini, Summary Talk
- P.-R. Kettle, Run Summary 2009
- D. Nicolo, Trigger Status
- S. Ritt, Data Acquisition Status
- A. Papa, Detector Calibrations
- M. Hildebrandt, Drift Chamber Hardware Status
- W. Molzon, DC Analysis Status
- S. Mihara, Liquid Xenon Calorimeter Status
- R. Sawada, Liquid Xenon Calorimeter Analysis
- F. Gatti, Timing Counter Status
- C. Voena, Timing Counter Analysis
- F. Cei, MEG Physics Analysis Status
Starting from 2011, the review talks are available from the
INDICO site.
S. Ritt, March 19th, 2025